Have a Successful Interview

Browse our articles and tips to have a successful interview. Learn best interview practices; like what to say, how to dress, send a thank you note and more!

Sample thank you letters after job interview

3 Sample Thank You Letters to Send After an Interview

After a job interview, it’s always a good idea to send the interviewer a thank you letter. This shows that you’re interested in the position and are willing to take the time to write a letter. It also gives you another opportunity to sell yourself for the job. Here are three sample thank you letters that you can use after an interview.

Interview Tips

Interview Tips | What to do Before, During and After a Job Interview

Job seekers in recent years are faced with intense competition for career opportunities. The ability to effectively communicate your abilities to employers during an interview is very important. Employers spend a lot of time and resources in the recruiting and interviewing process. As a candidate, you need to demonstrate how… Read More »Interview Tips | What to do Before, During and After a Job Interview