The Benefits of Providing Outplacement to Laid-Off Employees


What is outplacement and what is available?

Outplacement companies can help you and your human resources team during the layoff process. These companies offer a range of services, with corresponding levels of cost. They may include:

Why do so many companies pay for outplacement services? What would be some potential benefits to your company by providing outplacement services?

It is the right thing to do for your laid off staff

Whether your employees have been with you for a long time or a recent hire, they may not have a professional resume or great interviewing skills. We can provide them an excellent professional resume and help their interview skills immediately with our “Best Interviewing Practices” coaching session.

Your company’s reputation is at stake

Showing laid off employees you care and want them back working can go a long way. We all know with today’s social media, word travels fast. Disgruntled ex-employees can damage your brand with a simple post from a cell phone. Outplacement is a compassionate way to reduce that type of employee backlash in already difficult times for all.

Morale boost for existing staff

Providing outplacement services can show you care to your existing staff. It shows empathy during a difficult transition period. It will not only help with retention of existing staff but increase the chances of rehiring laid off staff in case business circumstances change.

Help mitigate litigation

Outplacement may help prevent litigation by unhappy employees later. It may also lower unemployment claims if laid-off employees are able to return to work quicker.

What to look for in an outplacement firm

DAVRON’s Outplacement service specializes in engineering, architectural and construction professionals. Every industry has its own specific keywords, acronyms and lingo. When choosing an outplacement service, first and foremost make sure they understand your industry.

Resume keyword and format is critical for ATS optimization

DAVRON has an internally developed keyword relevancy and testing system specifically built to get past modern ATS (applicant tracking systems). This includes entering in numerous variations of industry relevant keywords throughout the body of the resume. (Adding a ton of keywords at the bottom as a catch all simply won’t work anymore.)

Our experience has also taught us to avoid using document separators like footers, headers or columns running on the sides of resumes. Parsing software sometimes doesn’t know what to do with them, so we found it better to not use them at all. Be sure the outplacement firm you’re using has expertise in how applicant tracking systems parse data so nothing from your resume gets left out.

Who is actually writing your resume?

Be sure the outplacement firm doesn’t outsource the resume writing portion to someone else. Many resume writing services are done offshore where English is not the native language. Much may be lost in the translation from the outplacement firm you’re dealing with to the resume writing service. Be sure the outplacement firm handles everything in house. Be sure the person writing your resume is skilled and capable of not only capturing keywords and optimizing resume formats but also capable of capturing your career and objectives. Your resume is your marketing document, make it a great one.

Career and interview coaching are key!

Having a great resume is only a piece of the job-hunting puzzle. You also have to get past the interview, as well as negotiate a good salary and benefits package if it gets to that. There is an art to that process as well.

What you wear to the interview can make a huge difference. Asking engaging questions, not bad-mouthing previous employers, studying up on the company’s website as well as the job you’re interviewing for, sending thank you notes after the interview…all of these are best interview practices. Make sure the outplacement firm knows how to guide you through that process.

What other job-hunting tools are offered by the outplacement firm?

Once you’ve got a great resume and best interview practices under your belt, how will you let potential employees know you’re out there and looking? Make sure the outplacement firm you’re using offers additional tools to help you in your job search. DAVRON outplacement partners with, a job and data intelligence tool that allows you to search like the staffing professionals. This tool alone will help separate you from the pack. Every outplacement candidate gets six months access to as well as intensive training on how to best utilize it by one of our internal data mining experts. Be sure the outplacement firm you choose also offers additional tools to help unearth the jobs not readily apparent to the average job seeker.

Be your best advocate but support should be only a phone call away.

Is the outplacement firm readily available? Do they have an office and keep regular hours? Can you call and ask for impromptu advice and reach an expert? We firmly believe continued support, a quick word of advice, or simply a word of encouragement can go a long way. That’s why DAVRON offers unlimited support Monday through Friday 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST. Be sure the outplacement firm you choose does the same.

How can we help?

Outplacement Services for Employers

DAVRON is an expert staffing and outplacement firm that specializes in helping talented professionals find new jobs nationwide. Our staffing industry expertise in helping professionals find new career paths gives us the advantage over any other outplacement firm and ensures a smooth transition period for our clients and their employees. There are no up-front costs or commitments, you only pay for what your company and employees need.

Our outplacement packages and career counseling services are fully customizable and affordable for any size business or individual. We provide consultation, training, and proactive marketing campaigns for everyone!